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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christians: You cannot marry an unbeliever (non-Christian)

That's right. You Christians who are dating/married-to non-believers "need to stick it out" and pray for your partner's salvation: http://carm.org/should-christian-date-or-marry-unbeliever

We all know the verse, but allow me to quote it anyway....
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? - 2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

Apparently the non-Christian spouse is wicked, akin to demon spawn or something. Another bullshit claim made by a text meant to assimilate. Of course, it makes sense given the fact that a multicultural/secular society would weaken the reigns that organized religion would have on a populace. There is no better tactic than implementing xenophobia and a smear campaign to blind believers from the truth: We non-Christians are no different than you. Hindu, Muslim, Pantheist, Pagan, Monist, Buddhist, atheist, deist, etc...... It doesn't matter. You Christians aren't any holier than anyone else, and if you are, then you sure haven't proven it. When you meet that special person, religious/political belief is about the last thing stopping you from relishing in the beauty of companionship. I would like to think that most Christians have advanced past this discrimination that the Bible calls for. Many atheists such as myself surely have: http://www.happyatheistforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=5522 and http://forums.intpcentral.com/showthread.php?10940-Dating-Christians-%28atheists%29

Here is an example of watered-down Christianity's take on marriage:
5) While there can be nothing wrong with dating a non-Christian, you never know when a casual date will turn into a lifelong love. (http://www.fusion101.com/guide/dating_non_christians.htm)
That is quite the contrast with the Bible and Carm.org, eh? I've noticed more and more Christians refusing to take the Bible literally, or they merely pick and choose bits and pieces of it for their own convenience. Isn't that queer? Even various Christians themselves find their beloved texts a tad ridiculous. Frankly, I do not blame them at all.


  1. I don't believe most Religionists believe (or even know) their sacred texts. Most of them have this highly personalized version of what they think their sacred texts say and they blithely ignore the parts they don't like.

    Which, of course, raises the question of why they would bother to be a member of a group whose central tenets they neither understand or care about.

    Personally, I think most of them keep it up not because they have any attachment or affinity to the actual theology espoused by their book, but because of the social network they have at their Church / Mosque / Synagogue and the vague human longing to live forever.

    When it comes down to the finer points of what they actually are supposed to believe - FAIL.

  2. Agreed, that is why I would rather them keep the preaching to themselves. Infecting others with broken systems of belief and employing smear campaigns against non-Christians is inexcusable.
